Seven Big Messes New Homeowners Don't Expect
Posted by Vacmaster on Apr 3rd 2018
No one tells you this when buying a home, but… it’s messy.
Buying your first home is an exciting—and sometimes nerve-wracking—new chapter. But once the paint has dried and all the papers are signed, you’ll want to know how to prepare for the inevitable breaking/flooding/unexpected (while sparing further damage to your wallet).
1. Windows, Vases, Cereal Bowls—Things Will Break
And when they do, those little glass shards go everywhere. You’ve probably already added a broom, dustpan and mop to your new home cleaning cabinet—but a lot of those broken messes (like a full wine glass at your housewarming party) don’t have to require so many painful steps. Vac it all up—shards, splinters and spills—in one pass with this wet/dry vac. It’s superior suction power and handy crevice tool means you’ll get all those invisible-until-you-step-on-them pieces out of every nook and cranny.
2. Fallen / Dead Trees and Limbs
You were prepared to rake up some picturesque piles of fall leaves; but if you’ve got trees in your yard, you’ll eventually hear the gunshot-like crack of a limb hitting the ground. Often—whether felled by a storm, pruned annually or simply dried out and dead—fallen tree limbs can be dragged to the curb. But sometimes, they’re too big and will need to be broken down. After the mulching is done, be prepared for the clean-up with a tool that can move some serious debris, like a wet/dry vac with a built-in blower function.
3. Water, Water Everywhere
Millions of new homeowners have been caught off guard by unexpected flooding and water leaks—it’s almost unavoidable! For example, drilling into a wall to hang a mirror and hitting a pipe; storms bringing water into your basement just as the sump pump decides to give out; or your water heater taking a leak when you least expect it. From hurricanes to overflowing dishwasher suds, no matter how fast the water comes in, get out in a flash with a powerful wet/dry vac.
4. Making A House Feel Like Home Is Messy
Visualizing your new walls covered in art and family photographs, or the new fixtures you’ve bought installed and gleaming—that’s the easy part. Unfortunately, there’s still the patching of holes, sanding, repainting and drilling that comes with it, too. What many of us are unprepared for is the mess it can make: drywall dust, wood shavings, bent nails and spent screws, rubbery pieces and more. But don’t stress: the hairy clean-up after a big project day can be as simple as sucking it all up in minutes with the right tool.
5. Bulging Walls and Ceilings
It’s a shocking sight: a plaster ceiling about to cave in, or a wall soaked, stained and spreading. When the beautiful, clean lines of your new home start to bend, there’s usually a water leak to blame, pushing against the internal structures. Repairs in such situations are better left to the pros—but in the meantime, the damage of broken, damp and dirty plaster or drywall doesn’t have to be a nightmare when you’ve got a fast and versatile wet/dry vac on your side.
6. Anxious Pets + New Home + Beastly Damage
For many people, growing into a new home is just one part of a growing family: adding kids and pets usually go hand-in-hand with the next big stage in life. Our teething, furry friends can turn that brand-new couch into a cloud of fluff and splinters overnight; or anxiously scratch at and tear up your beautiful new front door, desperate for you to come home. The right tool can not only minimize the flak and fallout, it can suck up all the hair and dander they shed in the process.